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GPS-Tour.info philosophy

Our way is to support the exchange of high quality described GPS tours within our outdoor community. In everything we do, we are convinced that every person, finds the best route for himself, can master it & should tell about it. On life's journey as well as experiences in nature.


Our vision

  • We believe that every member of our portal, as well as in society, should actively create himself in his uniqueness & at the same time benefit from the experience of others.
  • We are convinced that every person acts in his self-responsibility. Self decides which way he goes and adheres to the rules of our coexistence.
  • We strive to promote cooperation within our outdoor community with regard to the give and take of touring experiences. In doing so, appreciation is important to us! Towards those people who share their experiences with us. Towards nature. Toward landscape preservationists. Towards ownersof trails.
  • We perceive technical developments as wonderful & at the same time we recognize that being active in nature - alone or with like-minded people - and being together with people in person make up the real life.
  • We think and act in terms of resources as well as solutions, and we also have the courageto acknowledge when points of view differ.
  • We focus on technically clean implementations and user-friendliness in the tour search. High quality tour descriptions are a matter of honor for us!

GPS-Tour.info is the most original GPS portal, was and remains unobtrusive, user-friendly and natural. By and for outdoor sportsmen:inside, who follow their own route..